51.   This optimism prompted consumers to sign charge slips for expensive gifts like home computers, electronics and jewelry, credit card company executives said.

52.   Under Senate gift restrictions, Clinton could not have accepted such expensive gifts once she was sworn in unless she had a specific waiver from the Senate Ethics Committee.

53.   De Telegraaf said Havelange was among numerous IOC members who were wined and dined, given expensive gifts and escorted regularly to exclusive brothels in the Dutch capital.

54.   Expensive gifts will be prohibited.

55.   Expensive gifts of gold or carved wood will be prohibited.

56.   His task force was unable to confirm any expensive gifts, reimbursement of medical costs or outright transfers of money, he added.

57.   It also said Chen kept a mistress and a hotel room, accepted expensive gifts, and abused his power.

58.   Japanese companies are so terrified of tarnished reputations they would hand Tamenaga envelopes filled with cash or shower him with expensive gifts to keep him quiet.

59.   Japanese bureaucrats long have accepted expensive gifts from private companies.

60.   It was launched by the National Culture Commission, which called giving expensive gifts shameful and disgusting.

a. + gift >>共 815
wedding 3.15%
small 2.99%
great 2.89%
perfect 2.73%
special 2.56%
expensive 2.43%
lavish 1.61%
free 1.58%
parting 1.31%
greatest 1.28%
expensive + n. >>共 1520
car 2.47%
item 1.51%
drug 1.41%
equipment 1.38%
one 1.28%
gift 1.26%
home 1.14%
restaurant 1.02%
proposition 0.94%
way 0.92%
每页显示:    共 74