51.   Until, that is, events begin to unravel.

52.   Palestinians said events began with a gun battle between gunmen from Nablus and soldiers near the city.

53.   All-Star Saturday events begin with a rookie all-star game.

54.   But her three teammates will be facing tough competitors from South Korea, China and Taiwan when the Asian martial art event begins Monday.

55.   Colin Montgomerie thinks the European Ryder Cup team can do without a captain until just weeks before the event begins.

56.   Events began Monday evening with a vigil and comedy show in a Caracas plaza.

57.   He said the ministry would push for the shopping event to begin next October after the arrangements were finalised.

58.   Remembrance events began at nightfall Wednesday.

59.   South Korea requested the event begin in May to avoid the rainy season.

60.   The event began across the International date line at sunrise Tuesday.

n. + begin >>共 1326
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work 0.90%
game 0.72%
event 0.16%
event + v. >>共 646
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