51.   Estimates vary on what the balls will bring.

52.   Estimates vary widely on how many players have used ephedra.

53.   Estimates vary.

54.   Estimates of homelessness vary greatly.

55.   Other estimates have varied in the recent days.

56.   Other estimates vary wildly, from a few tons to a few hundred.

57.   Thousands of people are believed to have been killed in the war, although casualty estimates vary wildly.

58.   Thousands of people are believed to have been killed in the ensuing war, although casualty estimates vary wildly.

59.   Thousands of people are believed to have been killed in the month of fighting, although casualty estimates vary wildly.

60.   Assessing the final cost of reconstruction is hugely complicated, and provisional estimates have varied considerably.

n. + vary >>共 929
price 6.22%
rate 3.25%
opinion 2.15%
estimate 1.96%
cost 1.84%
result 1.75%
time 1.59%
number 1.53%
rule 1.47%
fee 1.47%
estimate + v. >>共 165
be 48.61%
vary 4.46%
put 4.32%
include 3.20%
come 2.51%
say 2.30%
suggest 2.23%
show 2.09%
range 1.67%
have 1.18%
每页显示:    共 64