51.   Iraq would still be required to deposit all its legitimate oil revenues in an escrow account controlled by the U.N.

52.   Last week, the three Japanese lines asked the U.S. maritime commission for permission to put the fine payments into an escrow account while the issue is resolved.

53.   Law dictates the maximum size of an escrow account.

54.   Money from oil sales would continue to go to a United Nations-supervised escrow account.

55.   Money raised by municipal bond refinancings is used to buy U.S. Treasury securities, which are placed in an escrow account until the money is needed to repay investors.

56.   Municipalities that sell bonds are required to use the proceeds to buy U.S. Treasury securities and keep them in escrow accounts.

57.   Money earned on oil sales goes into a U.N.-supervised escrow account.

58.   Money raised by municipal bond sales is used to buy U.S. Treasury securities, which are placed in an escrow account until the money is needed.

59.   My promises of making good on any losses, even setting up an escrow account to cover them in advance, made no difference.

60.   Oil proceeds must go through a UN escrow account, which is used to pay for humanitarian aid, and US officials insist the system is being enforced.

n. + account >>共 622
retirement 13.40%
news 7.26%
escrow 5.63%
investment 5.12%
e-mail 4.34%
witness 4.15%
eyewitness 3.86%
newspaper 3.14%
brokerage 2.52%
press 1.85%
escrow + n. >>共 44
account 65.02%
service 6.50%
system 3.10%
fund 2.79%
arrangement 1.86%
plan 1.86%
agreement 1.55%
company 1.55%
money 1.24%
agent 0.93%
每页显示:    共 209