51.   It ends for Dwight in June.

52.   It ended for me.

53.   It ends for the summer, and then one year it ends forever.

54.   It never ended for him.

55.   Is this where the party ends for Harbaugh?

56.   It might not end for another decade.

57.   It all ended for him.

58.   It just never seems to end for this family.

59.   It was a grim way to end for the enthusiastic Cavalli.

60.   It will end for him, too.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
use 3.49%
know 3.31%
reach 3.03%
fight 2.21%
qualify 1.86%
be 1.81%
write 1.33%
close 1.07%
treat 1.03%
end 0.08%
end + p. >>共 77
on 23.22%
at 15.24%
without 12.52%
after 11.21%
for 5.96%
by 5.58%
before 3.81%
as 2.89%
of 2.83%
to 2.04%
每页显示:    共 218