51.   The United States, where the protocol has encountered strong opposition in Congress on several grounds, is one of those holding back.

52.   They also noted that any project linking La Guardia with Manhattan would encounter opposition from Manhattan residents opposed to building a railway station there.

53.   Wal-Mart has encountered opposition in other states, but the company says that the backlash in Arizona has been stronger than most.

54.   When nominees encountered opposition, they were often quickly dropped as Clinton seemed unwilling to expend any political capital on nomination fights.???

55.   Wilson and the colleagues who have continued his work encountered fierce opposition when they first announced the existence of their African Eve.

56.   Agriculture Minister Nick Brown told reporters he was encountering vociferous opposition from farmers, who fear vaccination would only delay their return to international markets.

57.   Arafat is expected to encounter less opposition when he brings the accord before his own Cabinet.

58.   Army troops encountered no opposition as they entered Guadalupe Tepeyac itself at midday, the government news agency Notimex said.

59.   Arafat has told his Cabinet that he encountered overwhelming opposition abroad to any unilateral move.

60.   Arafat told his Cabinet recently that he encountered overwhelming opposition abroad to any unilateral move.

v. + opposition >>共 741
face 13.00%
express 5.36%
voice 3.95%
drop 2.97%
lead 2.89%
draw 2.50%
reiterate 2.15%
meet 2.14%
accuse 1.84%
encounter 1.59%
encounter + n. >>共 748
problem 12.99%
resistance 8.98%
difficulty 5.71%
opposition 4.38%
trouble 2.40%
obstacle 1.38%
people 1.06%
turbulence 1.01%
man 0.92%
criticism 0.83%
每页显示:    共 94