51.   As the Kaeng Sua Ten project has become controversial, the politicians and bureaucrats backing the project have played up the secondary benefits of electricity generation and flood control.

52.   At stake in the negotiations is the price of a major input for coal-fired electricity generation in Japan and returns for a major Australian commodity export.

53.   Before the Gulf War, Iraq began building plants in the North and South to process its gas for use in electricity generation, fertilizer production and home consumption.

54.   But FERC Chairman Curtis Hebert remained strongly opposed to price caps, saying they would inhibit electricity generation.

55.   Electricity generation typically declines during the drier winter months when the shortfall is traditionally made up by excess electricity sales from California, which is short this year.

56.   However, it has said that the company will continue with its interests in electricity generation.

57.   Kidd said the new market would bring sustained downward pressure costs and prices in electricity generation.

58.   Most of it was used for electricity generation or industry.

59.   North Limited and Energy Resources stress the uranium is used strictly for electricity generation.

60.   The Cambodian capital sorely needs electricity generation.

n. + generation >>共 145
power 45.30%
electricity 11.21%
baby-boom 7.58%
boomer 1.67%
energy 1.52%
cash 1.52%
baby-boomer 1.06%
wartime 1.06%
age 0.91%
revenue 0.91%
electricity + n. >>共 285
company 7.69%
supply 7.03%
price 6.76%
rate 4.54%
market 4.48%
bill 3.07%
generator 2.55%
sale 2.23%
shortage 2.04%
industry 2.01%
generation 2.01%
每页显示:    共 74