51.   Economists predict a slowdown in housing starts, a reluctance to buy new homes and cars, and a slowing population growth.

52.   Economists predict that wage restraint and weak domestic demand will keep it below the target for some time.

53.   Economists predict the Fed, which has cut rates eight times since January, will make another half-point reduction.

54.   Economists predict wage restraint and weak domestic demand will keep it below that target for some time.

55.   Economists predicted that the economy would remain flat in the first quarter and that growth through the rest of the year would be anemic.

56.   Economists predicted the next jolt will hit consumers who will likely face higher interest rates on everything from credit cards to home mortgages.

57.   Economists have been predicting a decline in demand for homes since borrowing costs began to climb in March.

58.   Economists have predicted a birth dearth before, on the eve of the Second World War, and been wrong.

59.   Economists now predict that the crisis almost certainly will cost the United States tens of billions of dollars in trade and hundreds of thousands of export-related jobs.

60.   Economists predict lower unemployment, higher growth and economic confidence spurred by a federal government at last committed to cutting deficits.

n. + predict >>共 650
analyst 19.92%
expert 7.23%
official 6.54%
economist 5.40%
forecaster 4.35%
observer 2.34%
poll 1.61%
leader 1.46%
report 1.41%
executive 1.22%
economist + v. >>共 403
say 34.35%
expect 8.07%
believe 4.65%
predict 4.56%
be 4.46%
warn 3.25%
agree 2.74%
argue 2.11%
think 1.93%
see 1.49%
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