51.   Upper classes separated themselves from lower classes by never eating vegetables if they could help it.

52.   We prefer an organic approach, but anything that would not make the vegetables unsafe to eat would be OK.

53.   What they also left behind was perhaps the greatest excuse ever for not eating your vegetables.

54.   We eat more fried foods, more fattening foods and eat fewer vegetables.

55.   What she said after reading my food diary was that I did not eat enough vegetables, I should get more folic acid and trim some portion sizes.

56.   When Abdullah Ibrahim speaks, he makes you want to eat your vegetables.

57.   Why not just let children eat vegetables they like, simply cooked, still brightly colored and crisp enough to eat with their fingers?

58.   Why do grownups really say to eat your vegetables?

59.   Or knows a serving of green beans is the size of half a baseball, or admits they count french fries when asked how many vegetables they eat?

60.   Dietician Del Toma suggested Americans should try eating vegetables with their pasta, saying that fiber helps slow down the absorption of starches.

v. + vegetable >>共 273
grow 8.99%
eat 6.57%
add 5.89%
cook 3.86%
sell 3.00%
buy 2.22%
wash 1.84%
chop 1.74%
plant 1.64%
grill 1.55%
eat + n. >>共 1111
food 7.80%
lunch 5.12%
meat 4.04%
fish 2.98%
meal 2.93%
dinner 2.74%
breakfast 2.43%
lot 1.73%
beef 1.65%
sandwich 1.26%
vegetable 0.99%
每页显示:    共 68