51.   But most NASCAR fans want to watch a race where as many drivers as possible have a legitimate shot at winning.

52.   But in the middle of the block, drivers might have to stop for a red light at the new crosswalk.

53.   But Smith said the truck driver had at least a small amount of warning.

54.   But tall drivers may have to recline the seatback to get enough headroom.

55.   But the water seepage and the problems most drivers have with the track are completely separate issues.

56.   But these drivers have nothing to do with automobiles or teenagers with coordination deficit.

57.   But the driver also has the option of putting the system into two-wheel-drive mode, which operates the rear wheels only.

58.   But until any such laws come into existence, drivers will have to slow down considerably when they come to the plazas.

59.   But the truck driver has a rifle, and he starts shooting ... and shooting, and shooting.

60.   But when brakes are locked, the driver has absolutely no steering control of the vehicle.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
driver 0.18%
driver + v. >>共 1044
be 14.28%
have 4.31%
say 3.47%
lose 2.32%
take 1.81%
try 1.65%
get 1.46%
stop 1.30%
die 1.12%
go 1.07%
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