51.   The police, untrained in riot control, called in reinforcements who eventually dispersed the crowd, but not before a number of people were injured.

52.   They rushed to the scene, firing warning shots to disperse the crowd, searching several buildings in the area and evacuating casualties in American military ambulances.

53.   Three people were arrested there, but the crowd was dispersed by the police.

54.   Troops dispersed the crowd with tear gas and percussion grenades.

55.   Units of the armed police, sometimes using tear gas and occasionally using live ammunition, frequently disperse irate crowds of unpaid workers or complaining farmers.

56.   When more showed up, police moved in to disperse the crowd, and the clash began.

57.   When police tried to disperse the crowds, fans hurled eggs, firecrackers and bottles at police.

58.   While he was being subdued by other officers, a guard fired a warning shot to disperse a crowd that had gathered.

59.   Witnesses said Israeli soldiers fired into the air to disperse the crowd.

60.   Photographers have reported seeing police aiming at Muslims when they fired shots to disperse crowds.

v. + crowd >>共 585
draw 11.00%
disperse 10.83%
address 5.34%
attract 3.52%
control 2.58%
have 2.05%
work 2.01%
keep 1.97%
join 1.97%
avoid 1.51%
disperse + n. >>共 260
crowd 28.22%
protester 8.57%
demonstrator 6.99%
hundred 4.31%
mob 3.33%
group 3.11%
demonstration 2.73%
rioter 2.29%
student 2.07%
protestor 1.64%
每页显示:    共 514