51.   At its simplest, this dish can be little more than onions, cauliflower, curry powder and water.

52.   At Rosa Mexicano, for instance, there is a dish called mixiote de cordero, which is lamb in parchment.

53.   At one point his entire dish was in jeopardy when rabbis found some unidentified fat on his saffron, but acceptable spice was found in time.

54.   At lunch, all signature dishes are available plus noodle soup and vermicelli.

55.   B.K. stresses that her chicken and pasta dishes are prepared to be heart-healthful, low in calories and high in flavor.

56.   Because restaurant dishes are often substantially larger than this standard size, the amount of fat in its serving could be substantially higher than three grams.

57.   Becker smiles appreciatively when told how delicious the sea urchin pasta is, mentioning that the dish is a bit of a hard sell.

58.   -- The most unhealthy dishes were chile rellenos and beef chimichangas.

59.   A delightful first course, the dish would also be good on its own as a brunch or light lunch.

60.   A fourth dish can be prepared two days before the party, the other two a day before the party.

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dish + v. >>共 201
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