51.   Roughly the same number of fetuses are estimated to be aborted after the condition is diagnosed.

52.   Should the committee diagnose unstable conditions and fear more trouble, counteractive measures will be needed, such as possible fines for speculative trades, Filc said.

53.   She told him to try to sleep more and not to take any medication until his condition was properly diagnosed.

54.   That includes pregnancy, which disqualifies a woman from working in the U.S. program, or gets her a flight out if her condition is diagnosed in Antarctica.

55.   The condition is generally diagnosed after patients complain of pain in their legs that becomes more intense with exercise.

56.   When Baker diagnosed the blood condition that can be fatal if untreated, Zezel underwent treatments that included large doses of steroids and a blood transfusions.

57.   Local hospitals were unable to diagnose their condition and rushed them to Bombay hospitals, where they began dying daily.

58.   Norman said his medical condition had been diagnosed from blood tests he had undergone after suddenly losing weight.

59.   The condition was diagnosed after doctors detected an irregularity in his white blood cell count during training camp.

60.   The local hospital was unable to diagnose their condition and the victims were rushed to Bombay after they became critical.

v. + condition >>共 677
improve 8.79%
meet 7.29%
create 4.16%
set 3.04%
impose 2.81%
describe 2.79%
attach 2.17%
have 1.66%
monitor 1.50%
treat 1.50%
diagnose 0.89%
diagnose + n. >>共 237
problem 11.89%
disease 9.20%
cancer 7.55%
injury 6.72%
condition 6.31%
illness 3.93%
case 2.79%
patient 2.38%
woman 1.76%
people 1.45%
每页显示:    共 61