51.   It prompts investors to demand higher returns to compensate for the risk that accelerating inflation will push the central bank to boost interest rates.

52.   Lebanon is still demanding its return.

53.   Motley throngs of loyalists flooding into the center of the capital from the slums that surround it demanded his return.

54.   Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota had long demanded the return of the land for the Futenma base, located in the middle of the densely populated town of Ginowan.

55.   On the fringes of the circle, skaters now circulate petitions demanding the return of the music.

56.   Our franchise has been bought out from under us and it will stay bought unless a fed-up electorate demands its return.

57.   Private individuals seeking restitution for crimes against humanity may demand the return of works that are legally the property of museums.

58.   Public confidence in the outcome of these trials demands a return to established American legal principles, including independent court review.

59.   Some German states have not hesitated to demand the return of artworks.

60.   Still, investors may demand higher returns because of the added risk even though the insurance company will assume the liability in the case of a default.

v. + return >>共 715
demand 4.37%
seek 4.19%
make 3.24%
mark 2.55%
file 2.00%
see 1.94%
delay 1.92%
offer 1.44%
expect 1.39%
reduce 1.36%
demand + n. >>共 772
release 5.06%
money 3.03%
resignation 2.99%
end 2.49%
compensation 2.19%
return 2.07%
apology 1.76%
action 1.76%
change 1.72%
explanation 1.64%
每页显示:    共 262