51.   Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, whose Senate panel is playing a central role examining the settlement, decided for the time being not to subpoena them.

52.   Congressional leaders let lawmakers decide for themselves which of their staff was essential, and each interpreted the edict differently.

53.   Countries were told that they could decide for themselves what constituted a national emergency.

54.   Decide for yourself if the milk is spoiled or the meat is turning.

55.   Decide for yourself whether he is an alien by joining a spirited debate in the alt.fan.movies.titanic newsgroups.

56.   Decide for yourself who Mike Tyson is.

57.   Decide for yourself after you weigh what loyalists for both sides have to say.

58.   Decide for yourself when the end credits roll.

59.   Decide for yourself whether John Huang or anybody else broke the law against mixing fund-raising with political dealing.

60.   Decide for yourself which you prefer.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
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treat 1.03%
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decide + p. >>共 66
against 25.05%
in 22.31%
at 7.86%
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for 5.80%
to 5.14%
between 4.27%
after 3.59%
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upon 2.29%
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