51.   He was the first Texas Death Row inmate executed during daylight hours.

52.   His religion requires him to fast during daylight hours in the month of Ramadan, which next year will last from mid-January to mid-February.

53.   If older drivers restrict their driving to daylight hours only, many insurance companies offer them a lower rate.

54.   In addition, able-bodied Muslims are required to fast from daybreak to sunset and abstain from sex and other sensual pleasures during daylight hours.

55.   In other words, adult speech cannot be broadcast during daylight hours.

56.   In the winter months, hours for both are shortened to coincide with shorter daylight hours.

57.   In the daylight hours life follows its usual rhythms in Northern Ireland.

58.   Islam forbids the eating of pork, and the eating of anything in daylight hours during Ramadan.

59.   It is a vain hope, mostly, because children notice things, and even in the daylight hours a few of the haggard women are plying their trade.

60.   It used to be that every game was played during daylight hours.

n. + hour >>共 498
morning 12.60%
work 8.39%
daylight 8.08%
lunch 7.74%
day 5.58%
office 4.45%
peak 4.25%
school 2.36%
overtime 1.95%
week 1.78%
daylight + n. >>共 59
hour 52.21%
time 10.62%
raid 8.19%
attack 7.52%
strike 1.99%
assault 1.77%
robbery 1.55%
saving 1.33%
operation 0.66%
picture 0.66%
每页显示:    共 235