51.   Customs officials had discovered that the trunk of his car was bristling with hidden explosives and other bomb-making equipment.

52.   Customs officials have recently been investigated in a number of Chinese cities, including Tianjin and Shantou.

53.   Customs officials have said the earlier documentation was not sufficient proof.

54.   Customs officials in Chicago apparently became suspicious of the man on Wednesday night, and they talked to him so long that he missed his flight to Rome.

55.   Customs officials in Texas said the soldier was then approached by another group of men along the river.

56.   Customs officials pay special attention to travelers to and from countries that engage in the drug trade and destinations known for terrorist activity.

57.   Customs officials said arrests were imminent, although none were made Tuesday while investigators reviewed computer hard drives and other material seized in the raids.

58.   Customs officials said inspectors found the cocaine after noticing that several pallets of cargo on the plane had unusual rivets and smelled of fresh glue.

59.   Customs officials said that Puerto Rico has become a significant entry point for drug smugglers whose ultimate destinations are major mainland cities like New York.

60.   Customs officials will check every visitor against State Department watch lists.

n. + official >>共 339
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administration 6.51%
security 5.00%
city 4.28%
police 4.19%
company 3.43%
ministry 3.37%
health 3.21%
enforcement 2.61%
school 2.27%
custom 0.82%
custom + n. >>共 228
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officer 14.77%
agent 7.86%
service 3.16%
inspector 3.04%
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authority 2.49%
office 1.82%
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