51.   But last year, Congress, as it adopted a new crime bill, rejected the proposal.

52.   But other crime bills the Republicans hurriedly approved last week are at least as dangerous to justice.

53.   But other House members said they were told that the Justice Department would not insist the act be included in the crime bill.

54.   But pork was mentioned hundreds of times this week as Congress debated the crime bill.

55.   But pressure is mounting from the gun lobby and various members to amend the new crime bill so that the repeal would be included.

56.   But Packwood, like many other Republican senators, voted against the crime bill and for the defense authorization bill.

57.   But the lessons of the crime bill may be instructive for the future of the health-care salvage operation.

58.   But the House voted down a hate crimes bill of its own last spring, and the Senate measures never survived a conference with the House.

59.   Citing the bipartisan coalitions that passed the crime bill in the House and Senate, Panetta said the same kinds of coalitions were possible on health care.

60.   Clinton and the Democrats seem to think that passing the crime bill will boost their standing with the voters, but the opposite is true.

n. + bill >>共 483
tax 7.65%
reform 4.43%
appropriation 4.41%
budget 3.85%
welfare 3.47%
crime 3.32%
farm 2.61%
phone 2.32%
trade 1.96%
dollar 1.93%
crime + n. >>共 442
rate 15.50%
scene 14.15%
bill 6.89%
wave 4.70%
victim 3.89%
family 3.37%
statistic 2.37%
prevention 2.26%
syndicate 1.98%
lab 1.70%
每页显示:    共 370