51.   It would cost thousands of dollars for a video production team to recreate this Bosnia look, and there it is, ready to roll.

52.   Now his paintings cost thousands of dollars and are in some of the best art galleries.

53.   Otherwise a hoist costing thousands of dollars would have been necessary.

54.   Past uprisings in Kashmir have drawn in hundreds of thousands of Indian troops and cost thousands of lives.

55.   Sega claims that Saturn is more sophisticated than the commercial machines in video arcades, which cost thousands of dollars.

56.   Similarly, fishing businesses say that new taxes and regulations could kill their industry and cost thousands of jobs.

57.   Sixteen building contractors, developers and architects said in interviews that builders routinely paid bribes to avoid time-consuming delays that could cost them thousands of dollars.

58.   Since then, the industry has argued that increasing CAFE would damage the industry economically, cost thousands of jobs and give unfair advantages to the competition.

59.   Some firms offer training classes that cost additional thousands of dollars.

60.   States where the coal industry has long provided abundant, cheap power say the EPA plan will cost thousands of jobs.

v. + thousand >>共 989
kill 5.17%
send 3.14%
have 2.89%
draw 2.42%
attract 2.08%
leave 1.89%
cost 1.86%
spend 1.58%
save 1.49%
involve 1.29%
cost + n. >>共 402
money 10.63%
million 8.72%
hundred 7.53%
thousand 5.50%
job 4.90%
billion 4.57%
lot 4.42%
ten 3.48%
life 3.29%
company 2.21%
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