51.   Philosophically, this underlies current campaign finance reform efforts to eliminate individual contribution limits.

52.   Pataki went on to take another question, but stopped himself and returned to offer an opinion on campaign spending and contribution limits.

53.   President Bush himself has called for an increase in contribution limits.

54.   Reform advocates may stomach higher contribution limits in exchange for a ban on soft money.

55.   Republicans, many of whom oppose contribution limits of any kind, have argued for years that the current limits have not kept up with inflation.

56.   She refused to say whether she supported tighter contribution limits, a ban on soft money, public financing of campaigns, or any other measure.

57.   Sen. Tom Daschle, the minority leader from South Dakota, said the higher contribution limits would increase the influence of wealthy donors.

58.   Since both candidates received federal funds for their elections they were subject to contribution limits for the primary and general election races.

59.   Some have suggested that an alternative to voluntary spending limits is to raise the individual contribution limits.

60.   Some Democrats, however, are open to the idea of raising contribution limits as part of a larger reform package.

n. + limit >>共 450
term 27.47%
city 7.32%
debt 5.04%
age 4.17%
contribution 3.47%
campaign 1.91%
lifetime 1.74%
income 1.68%
salary 1.59%
ownership 1.48%
contribution + n. >>共 95
limit 43.17%
plan 3.96%
scheme 2.52%
law 2.16%
rate 2.16%
holiday 1.80%
scandal 1.80%
list 1.44%
requirement 1.44%
cap 1.08%
每页显示:    共 119