51.   Teh said that Asean could play a constructive role in helping train officials on IP issues in order to help Myanmar to be adequately protected.

52.   To play a constructive role in Cambodia as well as in the upcoming election, Thailand must win the confidence of both rival leaders, Hun Sen and Ranariddh.

53.   U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, the eve of talks with Sharon, prodded Arafat to play a constructive role to stop violence.

54.   U.S. President George W. Bush, who meets with Sharon on Tuesday, prods Arafat to play a constructive role to stop violence.

55.   He pledged that RENAMO was committed to a constructive role in parliament, not only criticising the government but helping it.

56.   He said Croatia had consistently played a constructive role in resolving the crisis in the region but it emphatically rejected efforts to create new Balkan federations.

57.   It said De Klerk, in particular, had played a constructive role in the past few months.

58.   But Keating said the French still had a constructive role to play in the Pacific and the issue of independence for French territories was a matter for France.

59.   Powell also argued Tuesday that Beijing had played a constructive role in his initiative to downplay tensions between India and Pakistan.

60.   Some members want their party to quit the administration, while others want it to stay in and play a constructive role, the Sunday Times newspaper said.

a. + role >>共 848
key 5.90%
important 5.27%
major 4.40%
active 3.94%
new 3.38%
leading 3.03%
greater 2.04%
central 1.97%
prominent 1.58%
significant 1.57%
constructive 0.31%
constructive + n. >>共 172
criticism 10.35%
role 8.89%
engagement 5.83%
dialogue 5.54%
relationship 3.94%
way 3.50%
approach 2.48%
talk 2.33%
step 2.04%
change 2.04%
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