51.   The constitutional separation of church and state has been over-interpreted, she asserts.

52.   The constitutional separation of powers between the judicial and executive branches could prevent courts from ordering the president to testify.

53.   The constitutional separation of powers means that no court would likely consider an appeal of any step Congress takes in an impeachment proceeding.

54.   The constitutional separation of the branches is likely to emerge as a central question in the GAO lawsuit.

55.   The court also issued one of its infrequent opinions on the constitutional separation of powers.

56.   The federal judge in Ohio was the second to attack a voucher plan on the grounds that it violated the constitutional separation of church and state.

57.   The initiative came under quick attack from some civil libertarians who said it violated the constitutional separation of church and state.

58.   The parents argued the resolution, which offers Biblical creationism as the only named alternative to evolution, violated a constitutional separation between church and state.

59.   The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that the selective exemption violated the constitutional separation between church and state.

60.   The ruling drew praise from opponents of vouchers, who say the program violates the constitutional separation of church and state and undermines the public school system.

a. + separation >>共 218
constitutional 13.31%
racial 4.08%
physical 3.78%
complete 2.87%
strict 2.72%
formal 2.57%
long 2.57%
unilateral 2.42%
total 2.42%
clear 2.27%
constitutional + n. >>共 507
amendment 18.23%
right 10.49%
reform 4.84%
change 4.62%
court 4.38%
law 2.60%
issue 2.20%
crisis 2.17%
protection 2.12%
guarantee 1.81%
separation 1.09%
每页显示:    共 87