51.   They were in constant fear of bandits and bribe seekers.

52.   They stressed the importance of immunity to the ability of government employees to do their jobs without constant fear of lawsuits.

53.   Wafa Nasser, whose card was taken last November, says she lives with the constant fear that she will be evicted.

54.   People on the Ugandan side of the border live in constant fear.

55.   Acts of sexual violence were generally accompanied by explicit threats of death or bodily harm, and that meant Tutsi women lived in constant fear, the court said.

56.   As weeks turned into months, they marked their birthdays and those of their three children amid constant fear.

57.   But his happiness and relief are matched by constant fear and anxiety that he will be forced back into rebel ranks.

58.   But school administrators said outward bravado was only masking inner turmoil fed by the constant fear of attacks.

59.   Her family lived in constant fear until their passports were completed last week.

60.   I have spent half a year in that hell and in constant fear of death.

a. + fear >>共 774
worst 4.81%
public 3.68%
widespread 3.38%
growing 3.19%
biggest 2.46%
new 2.27%
constant 2.14%
lingering 1.70%
greatest 1.65%
same 1.49%
constant + n. >>共 1171
pressure 3.14%
threat 2.79%
reminder 2.30%
stream 2.08%
companion 2.08%
contact 2.00%
presence 1.57%
fear 1.55%
attention 1.49%
pain 1.43%
每页显示:    共 79