51.   The companies should complete negotiations soon or risk damaging their day-to-day operations, some analysts and shareholders said.

52.   The company expects to complete negotiations with an American investor by the end of October to start exporting glacial meltwater.

53.   The Birmingham Post-Herald reported Monday that those negotiations had been completed over the weekend.

54.   The company said that it hoped to complete negotiations with its other four unions soon.

55.   The company expects to complete negotiations on both credits soon.

56.   The Clinton administration, which played a major role in completing the negotiations of the world trade agreement negotiated, disagrees.

57.   The goal is to complete those negotiations by December, according to a NATO communique.

58.   The French government is likely to press ahead with the sale of shares in France Telecom SA after it completes negotiations with labor unions, investors and analysts said.

59.   The government has held off announcing final details of the welfare cuts until it completes negotiations with the trade unions on their substance.

60.   The mammoth negotiation was completed this week during an elaborately staged visit to Bonn by Chinese Prime Minister Li Peng.

v. + negotiation >>共 547
resume 10.28%
begin 8.41%
continue 4.23%
start 3.86%
hold 3.72%
open 3.26%
conduct 2.43%
restart 2.43%
complete 2.24%
suspend 2.07%
complete + n. >>共 756
work 4.48%
investigation 3.90%
deal 3.87%
transaction 2.38%
acquisition 2.12%
project 2.07%
merger 1.90%
study 1.86%
sale 1.85%
purchase 1.58%
negotiation 1.22%
每页显示:    共 163