51.   A good control system with early warning signals can allow a company to anticipate problems and take the preventive measures necessary to ensuring its goals are achieved.

52.   Although earnings for its fiscal third quarter met forecasts, the company anticipates fourth-quarter profits will fall short.

53.   But he said the company anticipated the job action and was able to compensate for the strike by using supervisory and technical personnel.

54.   Capellas said he sees some stabilization in the U.S. computer market but it will remain weak in Europe and the company anticipates increasing weakness in Latin America.

55.   He said his company anticipates more orders from Samsung and other South Korean firms, including LG Electron Co. and Hyundai Electronics Corp.

56.   He said his company had anticipated the increase by setting up extra ticket counters, and laying on additional cars and locomotives.

57.   However, the company anticipates that demand will increase as the economy recovers in the near future.

58.   Its aggressive worldwide expansion has made proactive companies anticipate its every move, while fashion figures wait with bated breath as it prepares to unveil its new look.

59.   John Clemens, chief executive of Continental Research, said the company anticipates creating a broader range of services for its clients in the United Kingdom and Europe.

60.   Kerr said the company anticipates additional selective work force reductions through attrition, realignments and job eliminations.

n. + anticipate >>共 319
investor 15.70%
analyst 8.79%
trader 7.85%
company 6.74%
market 5.63%
official 3.84%
expert 1.71%
government 1.19%
people 1.19%
economist 1.11%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
use 1.16%
offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
try 0.97%
anticipate 0.07%
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