51.   She had fractured the collar bone when she fell down in her charity headquarters on Monday.

52.   Steve Sullivan, Todd Warriner and Fredrik Modin, in his first game back since breaking his collar bone, scored for Toronto.

53.   The Belgian driver was taken to hospital with collar bone and back injuries.

54.   That year he also returned to the Breeders Cup meet and fractured his collar bone and two ribs in a fall from Mr Brooks in opening race in Miami.

55.   The coils force the chin upward while pressing down the collar bones and ribs, elongating the neck.

56.   The control unit of the device is about the size of a silver dollar and is generally implanted under a collar bone.

57.   The leg saw a number of falls, including one in which Armstrong injured his collar bone and may be forced to drop out of the race.

58.   The one reported injury was to a British journalist who was attacked by five hooligans and hospitalized with a broken collar bone.

59.   Thompson also fractured several ribs, broke a collar bone and bruised his lungs.

60.   Trevaughn was treated at a hospital for a broken collar bone, cuts and bruises, and released.

n. + bone >>共 160
collar 9.70%
leg 8.91%
dinosaur 7.60%
thigh 6.03%
tiger 4.33%
cheek 3.28%
jaw 3.15%
breast 2.49%
fish 2.36%
shin 2.23%
collar + n. >>共 72
bone 29.72%
worker 16.87%
crime 9.24%
tie 3.61%
employee 2.81%
job 2.41%
criminal 2.41%
staff 1.61%
button 1.20%
union 1.20%
每页显示:    共 74