51.   But club members traveled to West Virginia for the trials, working on the car along way.

52.   But club members are rewarded with a variety of perks.

53.   But Enron has spurred club members to look beyond earnings and examine other aspects of a business, such as cash flow, he said.

54.   But Arnopp, an investment club member, advises against joining clubs that advertise.

55.   But investment club members also have the flexibility to venture into the unknown.

56.   But Jezer said Lazio had a mixed overall record on supporting environmental causes, and fell short in his interview last month with club members.

57.   But it also seemed clear that it is mainly club members who take part in those activities.

58.   But speak to club members before taking the plunge.

59.   But sensing positive news, several club members called their brokers the next morning and told them to buy Iomega shares.

60.   But the imprimatur of the judges not only insured good sales of a book to club members but also influenced bookstores to stock it.

n. + member >>共 330
crew 16.44%
staff 11.91%
committee 6.29%
team 5.42%
gang 5.31%
faculty 3.13%
opposition 3.06%
cult 2.49%
audience 2.20%
band 2.07%
club 1.29%
club + n. >>共 641
official 9.27%
owner 7.34%
president 6.46%
member 5.95%
record 3.72%
team 3.49%
history 1.90%
manager 1.86%
scene 1.64%
chairman 1.55%
每页显示:    共 267