51.   A microfilm set was presented to the National Diet Library in Tokyo, an irony, Young said, considering that Japan has now closed off the collection.

52.   A rotating base and cover close it off.

53.   A special alcove, closed off by velvet curtains, contains pornographic prints by cult figures like Felicien Rops.

54.   A second and unnecessary entrance into the apartment was closed off and turned into an extra closet, for things like ironing boards.

55.   A stairway that had been closed off in the front of the first floor was reopened to give Dr. Schlachet access to her second floor.

56.   A user would twist the lid to choose a measuring chamber, then turn the jar upside down to fill it, then twist again to close it off.

57.   According to courier executives who attended the meeting, future changes could include closing off some streets and placing officers in kiosks to monitor authorized vehicles.

58.   Along many main highways, smaller roads leading to stricken villages are closed off by police barricades.

59.   All can be closed off with sliding wooden doors.

60.   Also, keeping it separate from the house, that is, closing it off with an insulated door in summer, is equally important.

v. + off >>共 462
lay 5.85%
cut 5.13%
set 4.53%
kick 3.62%
touch 3.30%
fight 2.65%
pay 2.52%
close 2.39%
break 2.10%
call 1.86%
close + p. >>共 65
to 23.07%
for 20.39%
in 12.80%
on 8.60%
off 5.95%
down 4.60%
at 4.04%
because_of 2.36%
by 2.33%
after 2.02%
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