51.   Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard said the city needs money to pay and equip officers to police the streets and to hire more detectives.

52.   Green said the city needs to use buildings when they now are dormant -- during the summer.

53.   He agrees that the city needs a spiritual boost, by any means necessary.

54.   He spent our last vacation, in Sun Valley, on four major topics of what the city needed to do.

55.   He said the city needed more firms like Avax Technologies Inc., which is developing cancer vaccines.

56.   He said the city needs to find the reason for the disproportionality to restore trust in police among people of color.

57.   However, he said the city desperately needs water from outside the Nueces River basin as a result of three years of drought.

58.   I think the city needs to do some things that are good for the laborers and the union needs to give a little to the city.

59.   If any city needed a new ballpark they need it.

60.   If any city needed new schools, they need it.

n. + need >>共 1173
company 3.39%
team 2.69%
people 2.61%
country 2.52%
government 2.44%
child 1.51%
investor 1.17%
system 0.93%
patient 0.91%
woman 0.86%
city 0.71%
city + v. >>共 754
be 18.24%
have 8.71%
need 1.38%
remain 1.36%
try 1.13%
do 1.09%
make 1.06%
take 1.01%
use 1.00%
offer 0.99%
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