51.   Traders cited several factors behind the sharp gain.

52.   Banker friends justify high interest rates by citing two factors.

53.   ISTAT cited seasonal factors for the quarterly decline.

54.   It cited several factors, including high inflation in several Asian countries, congestion at some airports and bilateral agreements reducing competitive pressures on some routes.

55.   Many factors have been cited.

56.   Market analysts said investment professionals cited economic factors in deciding to sell and collect profits.

57.   Rizal cited two factors which caused government officials to become defensive.

58.   The bank cited that factor in its most recent rate cut announcement.

59.   The CDC cited several factors for the decline, including access issues, an increased willingness to use contraceptives and possibly different attitudes about the moral implications of abortion.

60.   The bank cited that factor in its most recent rate cut.

v. + factor >>共 241
consider 8.47%
cite 6.82%
activate 5.68%
take 5.58%
play 3.82%
identify 3.31%
have 3.00%
reflect 1.96%
involve 1.86%
blame 1.76%
cite + n. >>共 847
source 7.09%
concern 5.33%
reason 4.59%
example 2.52%
lack 2.37%
case 2.27%
report 2.20%
problem 1.67%
official 1.45%
need 1.44%
factor 0.57%
每页显示:    共 66