51.   Cattle futures were steady as traders awaited a government report that was expected to show beef supplies will be ample in the coming months.

52.   Cattle futures were steady as waning consumer demand for beef offset concern that a snowstorm could reduce cattle sales this weekend.

53.   Elsewhere, live cattle and feeder cattle futures fell.

54.   Elsewhere, cattle futures rose amid signs of strong retail demand.

55.   Elsewhere, cattle futures rose as retailers bought beef ahead of the U.S. Labor Day holiday weekend at the end of the month.

56.   Elsewhere, feeder cattle futures fell as corn prices rose, making it more expensive to raise the young cattle to market weight.

57.   Elsewhere, cattle futures also rose for a third day amid strong retail demand and low available supplies.

58.   Elsewhere, cattle futures fell amid speculation that a boost in retail demand for pork would reduce consumer demand for beef.

59.   Feeder cattle futures rose as feedlot operators bid higher for animals because cheaper corn is lowering the cost of fattening young animals, analysts said.

60.   Feeder cattle futures tumbled as grain prices surged to a five-month high, lowering profits for feedlots fattening animals for slaughter.

n. + future >>共 252
wheat 18.12%
soybean 14.05%
corn 12.79%
stock-index 6.97%
pork 4.44%
beef 3.74%
oil 3.32%
hog 3.30%
index 3.04%
cattle 2.89%
cattle + n. >>共 234
future 9.48%
ranch 6.47%
price 6.32%
rancher 6.18%
industry 4.17%
farmer 3.74%
herd 3.38%
drive 2.95%
car 2.87%
disease 2.66%
每页显示:    共 131