51.   Caught between communist repression and a possible Nazi invasion, the Rosenbergs fled Europe.

52.   Caught between social strata, Chang was distinctly unimpressed by her privileged classmates.

53.   Caught between the imperatives of its pro-Yugoslavian foreign policy and its pressing economic needs, Russia did its best on Wednesday to head off a NATO attack.

54.   Caught between the past and the future, Ty Shine will always have Buffalo.

55.   Caught between a spit-and-polish military past and an uncertain future, the Presidio of San Francisco is beginning to look a bit shabby.

56.   Caught between federal bureaucrats and finicky students, school nutritionists are creating low-fat, high-nutrient cafeteria meals that actually taste good.

57.   Caught between high-priced raw cane sugar and relatively inexpensive refined beet sugar, cane refiners have found their profit margins squeezed, Sprague explained.

58.   Caught between the responsibility to his uniform and a higher justice, he too projects the nuances of his no-win situation with dignity and subtlety.

59.   Caught between a desire to appear welcoming to women of many different nationalities and fear of disorder, the authorities have dithered.

60.   Caught between a hangover from the puritan Communists and the newly influential role of the Roman Catholic Church, sex education is an embattled cause in conservative Poland.

v. + between >>共 726
fight 8.14%
fighting 4.61%
break_out 2.84%
exist 2.84%
stand 2.41%
sandwich 2.35%
catch 2.26%
reach 1.94%
sign 1.91%
make 1.78%
catch + p. >>共 70
on 20.12%
with 13.46%
off 13.14%
between 10.04%
behind 7.01%
by 5.94%
for 4.49%
in_the_middle_of 2.65%
after 2.31%
at 1.96%
每页显示:    共 316