51.   Regardless, a pall has been cast over the industry.

52.   Several U.S. cities tried to ban imports of some sulfur-rich -- and pollution heavy -- Venezuelan petroleum recently, casting a pall on the bilateral relationship.

53.   Still, some wondered whether the crash would cast a pall on an emerging segment of the industry.

54.   Stocks fell modestly on Monday as the uncertainty surrounding American military action in Afghanistan cast a pall on the domestic and global markets.

55.   Such a default could cast a pall throughout the market, forcing other municipalities in California to pay a slightly higher interest rate for their borrowings.

56.   Stock analysts said the antitrust investigation and the possibility of indictments against the company and its officers casts a pall over the earnings potential for the company.

57.   Students and teachers said a pall was cast over the school Monday, with none of the usual high-spirited banter in classes or hallways.

58.   That, experts said, will cast a pall over any possible prosecutions involving Enron.

59.   The bizarre death of a friend has cast a pall over these Olympics.

60.   The blaze caused the worst known loss of animal life at a zoo in history and cast a pall over the city during the Christmas season.

v. + pall >>共 10
cast 92.40%
send 2.34%
raise 1.17%
create 0.58%
have 0.58%
produce 0.58%
see 0.58%
sense 0.58%
thicken 0.58%
throw 0.58%
cast + n. >>共 571
ballot 25.52%
vote 15.37%
doubt 14.11%
shadow 7.40%
pall 3.02%
spell 1.80%
eye 1.62%
cloud 1.34%
lot 1.30%
light 1.28%
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