51.   Shaw said he was particularly incensed over waivers that could affect enforcement of a provision limiting welfare recipients to five years of cash assistance in a lifetime.

52.   Should Washington, as liberal Democrats insist, guarantee the poor, no matter where they live, cash assistance, food stamps and health insurance?

53.   So far only Oregon has indicated that it wants to allow people convicted of such crimes to receive cash assistance.

54.   States may adopt new, more restrictive eligibility standards for welfare, but many families ineligible for cash assistance under those standards will be eligible for Medicaid.

55.   States would have the option of providing basic cash assistance, Medicaid and social services to such immigrants now in the United States.

56.   States would have the option of providing cash assistance, Medicaid and social services to such immigrants now in the United States.

57.   Some of these workers will receive health coverage, cash assistance and first choice of new jobs in their industry thanks to a special agreement between unions and contractors.

58.   States could provide Medicaid to people getting cash assistance under the new welfare program.

59.   Supporters of the grant proposal say if states had more flexibility they could devise innovative food programs, just as they have done with cash assistance.

60.   That database communicates with a Department of Children and Families database used to control payments such as food stamps, cash assistance and Medicaid.

n. + assistance >>共 253
government 18.45%
cash 8.01%
development 7.87%
food 6.65%
directory 5.58%
disaster 3.79%
relief 2.15%
job 1.36%
tuition 1.36%
security 1.22%
cash + n. >>共 423
payment 6.12%
market 5.80%
reserve 3.74%
prize 2.90%
assistance 2.78%
crunch 2.60%
benefit 2.43%
infusion 2.33%
shortage 2.13%
bonus 1.88%
每页显示:    共 111