51.   Flowers that were blooming before the storm will call it quits until next year, but those in bud will probably bloom after the rudely interrupting snow has melted.

52.   Favre just happens to be building his second Brett Favre Steakhouse there . . . Packer wide receiver Don Beebe has called it quits after setting a phenomenal record.

53.   Former Rangers reliever Tom Henke was ready to call it quits after last season.

54.   Former Sen. Dale Bumpers, D-Ark., agreed that Gore should consider calling it quits after the absentee ballots are counted.

55.   From drive-by shootings to stabbings, Jauregui has seen more than his share of gang life before calling it quits and seeking a higher education.

56.   Friday, however, the institution decided to call it quits.

57.   From the somber tenor of the news conference here Wednesday, one would have thought that this Tyson had assembled the news media here to call it quits.

58.   George called it quits for the season Wednesday.

59.   Genaro Hernandez is ready to call it quits.

60.   Having pinpointed the source, Young, an L.A. Cellular representative and another private detective called it quits for the night.

call + a. >>共 1282
quits 7.80%
safe 1.28%
unfair 1.16%
motivated 0.98%
early 0.90%
unconstitutional 0.83%
old-fashioned 0.75%
unacceptable 0.71%
crazy 0.68%
stupid 0.68%
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