51.   Today, he lamented, the answer is to build more prisons, mete out harsher sentences, forget about any efforts to rehabilitate.

52.   Today, we have freedom with no strings attached and the only way we know how to deal with the consequences is to build more prisons.

53.   We collaborate when a president builds prisons, willy-nilly, to house us, and we support him uncritically, anyhow.

54.   What better way than building more prisons to house violent criminals for longer sentences?

55.   When conservatives talk about building more prisons, he talks about getting tough on crime with more cops on the streets.

56.   What is clear is that people want those convicted of violent crimes locked up and they are willing to pay to build new prisons and to fund their operation.

57.   Whenever America has a bad day, it seems, it cheers itself up by building a few prisons.

58.   While rushing to build new prisons at an unprecedented rate, Florida has dangerously ignored its old ones and the people who work in them.

59.   Why not build more prisons?

60.   A new prison has been built for foreign dealers and there are provisions for speeded up deportation procedures for those violating Swiss asylum laws.

v. + prison >>共 297
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build + n. >>共 855
house 3.56%
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stadium 1.41%
case 1.36%
reputation 1.36%
road 1.35%
team 1.14%
prison 0.42%
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