51.   A bureau official briefing reporters on the latest data said labor conditions remain severe.

52.   A government official briefing reporters said this is the first time Japan is actively encouraging foreign direct investment in an official capacity.

53.   A Finance Ministry official, briefing reporters after the April figures were announced Monday, said the monthly increase was the eighteenth straight.

54.   A ministry official, briefing reporters on the latest data, said that despite the latest rise the long-term trend toward a narrowing current account surplus remains intact.

55.   A government official briefing reporters said labor conditions remain severe.

56.   A ministry official briefing reporters said that judging from the most recent statistics available in each country, Japan holds the most reserves of any nation.

57.   A Russian delegation source who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity said Moscow was insisting on a bombing halt before a U.N. resolution is passed.

58.   A senior administration official, briefing reporters on condition of anonymity, said Bush has no plans to visit North Korea.

59.   A senior administration official, briefing reporters on condition of anonymity, said Bush told the prime minister he was sorry that civilians had been hurt.

60.   A senior Bush administration official, briefing reporters on condition of anonymity, said Bush told the prime minister he was very sorry that civilians had been hurt.

v. + reporter >>共 500
tell 36.90%
bar 4.16%
brief 4.02%
allow 3.05%
keep 2.53%
ask 1.65%
address 1.47%
take 1.45%
prevent 1.41%
avoid 1.37%
brief + n. >>共 203
reporter 19.07%
leader 5.34%
official 5.34%
member 4.48%
room 4.19%
president 4.10%
council 3.34%
journalist 2.48%
press 2.29%
minister 1.62%
每页显示:    共 199