51.   For other coaches, it means lucrative book deals.

52.   Frank said that while Gingrich has been weathering a great deal of criticism over his book deal, Frank had not piled on in that debate.

53.   Gary Ruskin, the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Accountability Project, criticized the ruling and said that the book deal represented a conflict of interest.

54.   Ford, Reagan and Clinton seized high paying opportunities upon leaving office, whether by joining corporate boards, making paid speeches or signing lucrative book deals.

55.   Former Air Force Lt. Kelly Flinn has got a book deal with Random House.

56.   Goldberg also has represented authors in book deals with Regnery.

57.   From now on, his book deals would be handled by Michael Ovitz.

58.   Graft permeates the country, from street crime to mafia hits to illegal book deals in Kremlin corridors to rigged bids for stakes of privatized companies.

59.   Gingrich and Murdoch admitted to the meeting, but said they did not discuss the book deal.

60.   Gingrich has not always been forthcoming about the details of the book deal and his relationship with Murdoch.

n. + deal >>共 498
peace 17.40%
business 4.33%
trade 3.84%
one-year 2.33%
book 2.20%
budget 2.19%
three-year 1.89%
arm 1.87%
two-year 1.73%
land 1.62%
book + n. >>共 615
deal 6.18%
tour 6.04%
publisher 4.40%
publishing 3.58%
store 3.50%
sale 3.06%
review 2.84%
contract 2.41%
signings 1.83%
form 1.75%
每页显示:    共 225