51.   Invariably escorted by a phalanx of body guards, he gained acclaim as the protector of Greater Serbian aspirations, winning the affections of Ceca in the process.

52.   A soldier traveling as body guard with the governor opened fire but was shot and seriously wounded, the radio said.

53.   And the body guards of Rabin, who refused to wear a bullet-proof vest, did not return fire.

54.   But they said body guards quickly intervened and calmed him down as Arafat left the room.

55.   Closely monitored by two body guards, Mayor Oreja recently distributed campaign literature in a poor district, Itxaurrondo, a Herri Batasuna stronghold.

56.   El Watan reported that Boutighane was particularly vulnerable as he always refused body guards and never changed his routine.

57.   El Watan reported that Boutighane was particularly vulnerable as he refused body guards and never changed his routine.

58.   Fifteen people, including the body guards of the fugitive MP and a former provincial mayor, have been taken into custody, Peiris said.

59.   The top aides, who are rarely quoted or even seen, are centred around the mysterious head of the presidential body guard, KGB veteran General Alexander Korzhakov.

60.   The Tory proposal would allow certain professionals to possess handguns, including licensed body guards and veterinarians needing to put down wounded animals.

n. + guard >>共 370
border 28.43%
prison 11.94%
police 9.14%
honor 6.85%
freshman 3.48%
reserve 2.39%
rookie 2.39%
sophomore 2.18%
nose 1.74%
village 1.72%
body 1.54%
body + n. >>共 670
part 22.79%
temperature 4.45%
weight 4.07%
fat 3.70%
armor 2.47%
heat 1.79%
type 1.75%
guard 1.65%
tissue 1.49%
movement 1.47%
每页显示:    共 71