51.   India accused the United States on Thursday of blocking progress in disarmament talks by ruling out negotiations on the total elimination of nuclear weapons.

52.   In Washington, State Department spokesman Nicholas Burns said China and Russia had been blocking progress on eliminating land mines.

53.   It is expected to press for continued presence of international election monitors, and strengthen the threat to withhold aid from those who block progress toward unity.

54.   Israel radio quoted Israeli government sources as saying they expected Arafat to try to block progress in the current round of meetings by raising demands Israel has already rejected.

55.   Karadzic remains in power behind the scenes in the Bosnian Serb republic, and blocks any progress.

56.   Last month, State Department spokesman Nicholas Burns accused China and Russia of blocking progress during the Vienna conference.

57.   Netanyahu called Clinton on Wednesday evening and complained that Arafat was blocking progress in the talks, the Israeli daily Haaretz said Thursday.

58.   Progress has been blocked by Denktash demanding recognition of his breakaway state.

59.   Susan Walker of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines said China, India, Pakistan and Russia were among countries blocking progress on a new treaty.

60.   Sukur claims he has been heavily marked during the tournament, blocking his progress while giving teammates more room to get forward and steal glory.

v. + progress >>共 427
make 52.42%
report 6.14%
monitor 2.48%
see 2.19%
review 1.68%
show 1.54%
slow 1.53%
achieve 1.41%
discuss 1.21%
block 1.16%
block + n. >>共 847
road 7.22%
shot 3.86%
access 3.34%
traffic 3.28%
effort 1.93%
street 1.70%
attempt 1.52%
highway 1.37%
entrance 1.28%
path 1.18%
progress 0.68%
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