51.   One group took daily doses of beta carotene.

52.   Others criticize the dietary supplement industry for promoting beta carotene so vigorously without an adequate scientific basis.

53.   People get beta carotene from fresh vegetables, such as carrots, and vitamin A directly from milk, butter, cheese, liver and cod liver oil.

54.   Other researchers are coming to the conclusion that beta carotene alone is not responsible for the health benefits with which it has been endowed.

55.   Other studies have shown people with diets high in beta carotene and vitamin A tend to be at lower risk for cancer.

56.   Pike has managed to incorporate a high level of beta carotene and anthocyanins, which have cancer-preventing properties.

57.   Researchers are using biotechnology to make rice with extra iron and beta carotene.

58.   Purslain is very nutritious, Brill writes, providing iron, beta carotene, vitamin C and several minerals.

59.   Rice plants normally produce beta carotene, but only in the green parts of the plant, not in the component of rice grain eaten by humans.

n. + carotene >>共 4
beta 97.09%
bird 0.97%
process 0.97%
weapon 0.97%
beta + n. >>共 65
carotene 28.41%
blocker 22.44%
version 7.95%
interferon 4.55%
software 3.13%
amyloid 2.84%
tester 2.84%
drug 1.99%
radiation 1.99%
supplement 1.70%
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