51.   The leading United Daily News reported Sunday that Chang had flown to Brussels via Zurich, Switzerland, arriving in the Belgian capital Saturday morning.

a. + capital >>共 511
provincial 5.48%
afghan 4.45%
bosnian 3.85%
state 3.51%
foreign 2.74%
yugoslav 1.69%
indian 1.50%
french 1.39%
european 1.28%
croatian 1.27%
belgian 0.25%
belgian + n. >>共 687
government 5.61%
authority 3.74%
police 3.08%
company 1.93%
stock 1.84%
official 1.64%
court 1.61%
law 1.55%
capital 1.47%
medium 1.41%
每页显示:    共 51