51.   Late last year, Baghdad barred the inspectors from entering presidential compounds, saying the compounds were symbols of national sovereignty.

52.   The decision came after Iraq barred U.N. inspectors from three sites suspected of containing banned weapons or related documents.

53.   The deal came after the United States and Britain dispatched thousands of troops to the Gulf and threatened air strikes if Iraq continued to bar inspectors from the palaces.

54.   The Iraqi government has barred UNSCOM inspectors from returning.

55.   The Iraqi government has barred U.N. inspectors from returning.

56.   The Iraqis have barred inspectors from entering many sites, giving them time to remove incriminating evidence, it said.

57.   The inspectors were barred from returning, and the team is acting in their stead.

58.   The Iraqi government has barred inspectors from returning.

59.   The Russians noted that although the Iraqis barred inspectors from three sites, they allowed them access to seven.

60.   The standoffs began Tuesday when the inspectors were barred from two bases of the elite Republican Guards just west of Baghdad.

v. + inspector >>共 235
allow 7.09%
bar 6.36%
block 5.36%
prevent 3.91%
weapon 3.82%
accuse 3.73%
accompany 3.64%
send 3.36%
have 2.45%
expel 2.18%
bar + n. >>共 1096
journalist 4.30%
reporter 3.69%
woman 2.41%
company 2.37%
discrimination 1.59%
use 1.57%
inspector 1.25%
access 1.18%
entry 1.14%
people 1.12%
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