51.   It is a far cry from generals blinking back tears as they sent their men into battle in World War II pictures.

52.   It ended with Strawberry choking back tears, responding to a question about the moment he came to grips with denial regarding his alcohol and drug problems.

53.   Janet sat in the front row and blinked back tears.

54.   Kate Mulgrew, who plays Capt. Kathyrn Janeway, fought back tears as she attempted to explain her feelings.

55.   John Paul II, who earlier sang a similar Polish carol to his audience, blinked back tears and clutched his vestment.

56.   Later, Anderson appeared to be blinking back tears as his wife, Cheryl Anderson, wept in the audience.

57.   Lisa Leslie, strong, smart, model-pretty and a star in basketball, fought back tears at the foot of the medal platform.

58.   Ms. Erdrich spoke softly, paused often to hold back tears and seemed tired.

59.   Normally polished speakers suddenly found themselves struggling for words or choking back tears.

60.   One young man shook his head repeatedly, blinking back tears.

a. + tear >>共 249
away 18.32%
back 16.27%
partial 8.09%
slight 3.17%
fighting 2.56%
small 2.46%
fought 2.05%
real 2.05%
hot 1.43%
complete 1.13%
back + n. >>共 1026
injury 8.36%
problem 5.50%
pain 5.40%
spasm 4.20%
nine 3.42%
surgery 3.21%
pay 3.04%
road 2.37%
wage 2.28%
row 1.89%
tear 1.60%
每页显示:    共 158