51.   No medals are awarded for individual scores in the Olympic team competition, but scores and places are important.

52.   Only a few years ago this tribe brazenly defied Director James Woolsey by awarding a medal to a colleague he had just punished.

53.   Organizers in Salt Lake City decided to award most medals not at the site of the competition, but at a downtown medals plaza.

54.   On Tuesday, Sen. Tom Daschle of South Dakota observed that for decades the medal was awarded only for military valor.

55.   Only individual all-around medals will be awarded.

56.   Somebody pushes a tea kettle on the ice, two people sweep up and a gold medal is awarded for high-stakes housecleaning.

57.   Students who score in the top one-twelfth of the contestants are awarded gold medals.

58.   The American team, coached by Ben Smith, has always said that medals are not awarded until February.

59.   The Canadians, who initially were awarded silver medals, later were given duplicate gold medals in an almost-unprecedented action to settle the dispute.

60.   The decorations, a special designation on a medal that indicates the circumstances under which the medal was awarded, acknowledge combat service.

v. + medal >>共 223
win 32.05%
award 8.75%
receive 5.93%
get 2.99%
take 2.82%
have 2.76%
present 2.36%
give 1.84%
earn 1.55%
decide 1.38%
award + n. >>共 417
contract 12.06%
prize 9.57%
medal 6.01%
point 4.90%
damage 4.03%
penalty 2.61%
grant 2.17%
license 1.90%
custody 1.74%
money 1.70%
每页显示:    共 151