51.   In the early morning, hours after a heavily publicized deadline to pay up on bad loans, authorities began a national sweep.

52.   In Washington, Defense Secretary William Perry said U.S. authorities will begin paying Haitians on Tuesday for their weapons.

53.   Iraqi authorities have begun refusing to allow U.N. inspection teams to operate if Americans participate.

54.   Kansas City authorities already have begun to devise a West Nile plan.

55.   Just as in the physical world, traffic in obscene material is illegal in cyberspace, and authorities are beginning to prosecute zealously.

56.   Last year Tijuana authorities began a pilot program in schools to discourage violence and build citizenship.

57.   Local authorities have begun spraying areas inhabited by the non-native arachnids.

58.   Next month, the authority will begin selling cards emblazoned with pictures of the New York Rangers hockey players, capitalizing on their Stanley Cup victory.

59.   On Wednesday, the authority began an internal inquiry into the awarding of the tunnel contract, and Kelly said that inquiry would continue.

60.   On Tuesday, Pataki wrote to the MTA, urging passenger rebates, an idea the authority had just begun to consider.

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