51.   He sought to raid a Hutu militia arms cache, but was overruled by U.N. chiefs, including Annan who then was head of U.N. peacekeeping operations.

52.   Illegal arms caches are often found at police stations during regular patrols by the NATO-led force or U.N. police.

53.   In Skopje, government officials said that NATO envoy Daniel Speckhard had offered assurances that NATO had started looking for arms caches in the Debelde area of Yugoslavia.

54.   Investigators discovered a huge arms cache containing rocket launchers and landmines in a bunker in violence-prone KwaZulu-Natal province, authorities announced Tuesday.

55.   Irish police, meanwhile, released one of six men arrested Sunday when police uncovered a suspected IRA arms cache on a remote farm in northwest Ireland.

56.   It was the second discovery of a large arms cache in the capital in two weeks.

57.   Later, he said, he was taken to a Serb headquarters and told to write down the location of Muslim arms caches and prominent Muslim citizens.

58.   Officials also said they discovered a rebel arms cache.

59.   Patruno said the prisoners were tortured in order to make them reveal the location of arms caches.

60.   Police on Friday uncovered an arms cache that included rocket launchers on this Mediterranean island rocked almost nightly by bombings claimed by separatist groups seeking autonomy.

n. + cache >>共 40
arm 43.71%
weapon 30.42%
ammunition 5.59%
explosive 2.45%
rebel 2.45%
drug 1.75%
memory 1.40%
militia 0.70%
treasure 0.70%
browser 0.35%
arm + n. >>共 531
embargo 18.26%
sale 7.84%
control 4.61%
inspector 4.43%
treaty 2.65%
dealer 2.56%
deal 2.53%
shipment 2.25%
strength 2.19%
agreement 1.65%
cache 1.65%
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