51.   Some reporters at the newspaper had been mindful of the anthrax letters in the United States but did not believe they would also be a target.

52.   The delay angered key members of Congress who were getting little information from the FBI about when or how the search for other anthrax letters would be conducted.

53.   The FBI arrested two people outside New York who had sent hoax anthrax letters, officials said.

54.   The FBI confirmed it is investigating whether other anthrax letters were processed through the Brentwood facility in Washington.

55.   The Malaysian government has pledged to prosecute anyone shown to be involved in the Nevada anthrax letter, and to cooperate fully with U.S. investigators.

56.   The Washington hospital could also have received spores indirectly, from mail processed at a postal center that handled an anthrax letter sent to a top U.S. senator.

57.   Two other anthrax letters have been opened in New York City, and evidence of anthrax has been found in Florida too.

58.   Two other anthrax letters have been opened in New York City, and evidence of anthrax has been found in Florida, too.

n. + letter >>共 385
resignation 10.17%
love 9.88%
protest 9.02%
anthrax 3.35%
rejection 2.49%
week 2.31%
acceptance 1.79%
farewell 1.68%
business 1.68%
two-page 1.45%
anthrax + n. >>共 227
spore 15.76%
scare 9.98%
attack 7.88%
case 6.55%
bacterium 5.82%
vaccine 5.13%
infection 4.20%
exposure 4.00%
threat 3.11%
contamination 2.63%
letter 2.34%
每页显示:    共 58