51.   Even investors who do their homework and analyze financial data will not be spared volatility in their stocks.

52.   European airlines have collected and analyzed this data for years, using computers attached to the black boxes.

53.   For current models, after dealership repair data are analyzed and responsibility for defects determined, suppliers will have to foot part or some of the bill.

54.   Finally, they managed to make the crystals, and they hit upon a nickel compound that they could incorporate into the molecules to help them analyze the data.

55.   For two weeks, the six-person jury has seen internal company documents and heard doctors analyze data.

56.   For the Navy, Meridian analyzes secret data on nuclear submarines to remove navigational errors, allowing officers back on land to better understand actual routes.

57.   For this, a team of ground-based meteorologists in London constantly analyzing weather data provides the ICO Global Challenge with essential guidance.

58.   Hastings said analyzing the data already being collected is an overwhelming task which has outstripped the ability of intelligence agencies to handle.

59.   He and his co-author, Craig Pease, a zoologist at the University of Texas, have spent the last five years analyzing data.

60.   He eagerly analyzed the data, expecting a profile of star qualities to emerge.

v. + datum >>共 675
use 6.35%
collect 5.66%
release 3.46%
analyze 3.38%
provide 3.18%
gather 3.12%
transmit 2.54%
store 2.39%
share 2.07%
send 2.04%
analyze + n. >>共 701
datum 10.34%
sample 3.61%
result 3.02%
information 2.87%
problem 1.34%
situation 1.24%
record 0.89%
pattern 0.84%
evidence 0.79%
issue 0.79%
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