51.   Ambulances rushed to the scene and wailing sirens mixed with the screams of the injured.

52.   Ambulances rushed to the scene to ferry the victims to hospitals, and the state radio broadcast an appeal for blood donors to report to blood centers.

53.   Ambulances rushed to the scene, but could not carry all the dead.

54.   Ambulances rushed victims to the Aranzazu hospital, which said two men had died.

55.   Ambulances rushed victims to the Aranzazu hospital, which said two men, who were not identified immediately, had died.

56.   Ambulances were rushing to the scene and it appeared there were several injuries, witnesses told the radios.

57.   Ambulances were rushing to the scene.

58.   Ambulances were seen rushing from the scene of the explosion.

59.   An ambulance rushed Bonner to the hospital from her country home outside the city early Tuesday morning.

60.   Ambulances rushed to hospitals, indicating even more casualties.

n. + rush >>共 681
people 5.09%
ambulance 4.39%
company 3.22%
police 3.05%
official 2.21%
worker 2.04%
investor 2.01%
man 1.64%
water 1.61%
resident 1.41%
ambulance + v. >>共 124
take 23.72%
rush 11.59%
be 9.38%
arrive 8.85%
race 4.42%
come 3.10%
evacuate 2.04%
leave 1.68%
stand_by 1.68%
reach 1.59%
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